It is with a heavy heart we had to say goodbye to our special girl in March of 2020.
Born in 2006, Ch Cinderlady Von Rose came to be with us shortly thereafter. She was a puppy born in a garage without much socialization so she was always a little leary of strangers, but for those she knew and trusted she was very loving. Her favorite place was curled up on the couch next to either Suzanne or I. When we got up she would keep our place warm and wait patiently until we would be next to her again. She didn't play much with toys or the other dogs but she loved a good roll on her back and a butt scratch. We made her a Champion even though she really didn't want to be one. She would rather stay at home without all that fuss and commotion. She loved her puppies and she was the mother of our first home-raised "Von Rose" litter. She would share her whelping box with Marco as he loved to be next to her and her puppies. Suzanne learned to groom and show with her, she was the first dog she finished and she was truly a beautiful girl. She enjoyed long walks and sniffing all the wonders of the outdoors. She was all this and more.
We will miss her.

Ch Cinderlady Von Rose
8-3-2006 3-13-2020
Well I did it again. I was horrible at updating the website in 2018 and not doing much better in 2019. It will be a work in progress for a while now that it is 2020. But maybe with more "in home" time I will catch up. But then again many shows have been cancled.
Phantom continues to excel. He ended another year in the Top 10 of the SSCA and Top 20 in both Breed and All breed AKC points. All this handled by Suzanne and myself and limited showing.
He had some impressive wins in 2019. The weekend of the 'Schnauzapalooza' National Specialty. The Friday before Prairieland SSC had their Regional Specialty. Phantom went BOS with an entry of 125 Standards!!! Then in May Phantom followed that up with a Regional Specialty BISS at the regular Prairieland Specialty making him a multiple BISS winner. Phantom won his first SSCA Regional Specialty at the Prairieland Specialty (and a Group 1) in 2017 and has won BOS at a number of other Regional Specialties. At Heartlands Regional Specialty in August he went BOB two of the three days of that set of shows. The Regional BOB went to Penny's girl who was the 2017 National Specialty winner. That girl, Elan was bred to our Spirit in 2018 and the pups are hitting the showring. It was fun to see the little Spirits entering the ring and doing well. Phantom is still so much fun to show even though he is a struggle to groom. Still so full of energy and keeps us going at home. Watch for Pantoms and Spirits puppies in the ring. Both boys have much to offer and the litters they have sired have top quality pups available, all chips off the old block.
After Ivy finished her Grand Championship she has taken some time off to have some puppies. She had litters in 2016 with Aaron (CH Chefhaus Taragon v Himmlisch, her greatgrandfather) and in 2018 with Sparky (GCH Von Rose Comander Sparks, a Magic/Cinder kid). She did hit the Brood Bitch competition a couple times where she did very well. She may be Specialed this year some.
We are hoping to see Spirit more in the show ring. He is a beautiful boy with a great personality. He is looking very nice and we are happy people see all the thing he has to offer. He was the father of two special litters in 2018. One litter was whelped in Canada with Karen Pare. Very nice pups working on their Canadian and US Championships. The other litter was out of the 2017 National Specialty winner owned by Kathy Kohler and Penny Duffee. Karen used Spirit again in 2019 to breed to her Gabby. We ended up getting a little boy out of that litter that was born around Christmas time (Peppermills Rocking the naughty list v Rose). Coal will be a wonderful addition to our household.
We did have puppies in June of 2019 with Phantom and Brooke Thomas' girl Quill (Ch Jonquilla Artax's Angles). This was a repeat breeding of a litter Brooke bred in 2017. This time the pups were born here under the Von Rose kennel name. We kept a special girl (Von Rose Flickering Firefly). Flicka is growing up beautiful and should make a wonderful show girl if we can keep her in line. We won't go into the four day horror she put us through when she ran away (after a cat) in the middle of March. It was a miricle we got her back unharmed. Wathch for Coal and Flicka in the showring!
Phantom wins BOB for his second Specialty win at the 2019 Prairieland
Regional Specialty
over the Memorial Day weekend!
Phantom wins Best Opposite Sex at the 2019 Prairieland Standard Schnauzer
Club Regional Specialty. This Regional Specialty was held at the 2019
Schnauzapalooza and the National Specialty. Entry at the Regional was 125 SS
from all over the Nation, many of which were Professionaly Handled.
Best of Breed at the Prairieland Regional Standard Schnauzer Specialty 2017 in Bloomington IL. So Phantom becomes a Specialty Winner! |
Phantom Here he is going Best In Show .... multiple times at the International Dog Show in Hutchinson MN in 2017. He earned his International title along with being the Grand Siger for being the best of the best. Suzanne had him groomed beautifully and showed him to perfection! |
Hi! Welcome to the little corner of the web devoted to the Standard Schnauzers of 'Von Rose'. I am Jon Rosenberg. I have owned representatives of this breed for around 50 years. Hopefully, I have learned a thing or two over the years that I can share with you here. I am also a bit of an Artist, with images of the Standards one of my favorite things to draw. Feel free to contact me if you have any freelancing needs such as: Web building, head studies, drawings, logos, publication design, letter heads or pedigree research. We also have T-shirts and other Standard Schnauzer items including drawings, magnets and stickers! It seems I have always had a Schnauzer, or two, or eight in my home, I have also had success at showing a few of them. Now with Suzanne at my side we make an awesome team in the ring. We are also in the early stages of trying our hand at raising a few, quality litters of this wonderful breed. We are very excited at what we have produced thus far and we think the future will be even better. Magic completed his Silver Grand Championship and was a wonderful introduction to serious showing and breedine. We recently lost him, but he taught me so much and was a great friend. Ellie finished her Bronze Grand Championship in 2015. She had beautiful litters of puppies as a foundation for our line. We were lucky enough to have bred her to one of the top SS in the country who was owned by a couple great friends and mentors. Cinder also produced some special puppies for us, especially whe bred to Magic. Phantom is our pride and joy, he is out of Ellie and Zoro. He is such a personality. We both really love to show him as he excels in the ring. He is just a few points short of his Gold Grand Championship. He has beautiful conformation and movement that lets him glide around the ring. But his outgoing, show personality is what makes him so special. Spirit (Ellie/Zoro) is another special boy. He has a lovely sweet personality along with beautiful conformation. He has sired some outstanding puppies. We are glad other breeders see all the things he has to offer. Ivy will be a great stepping stone for our breeding program. She competed very well in the show ring and has produced some very nice puppies in her two litters. Miss Raven (Ivy/Aaron) will be our future in the breed. She will be a Champion soon and we hope to breed her back on this line. Dogs seem to accumulate here, we love them all and each one deserves their own special attention. Suzanne has taken a interest in Rally and Agility. She has already placed a RN on Stormy and Magic. She is planning to do some work with Shade. The dogs love to perform for her and I bet you will see her in the performance rings more often in the coming years. The future is bright at Von Rose. Contact us anytime at ... Jon1Rosenberg@Yahoo.com .... we would love to hear from you and talk about this special breed. We live in Iowa by the way, a great place in the heart of the country to raise beautiful puppies.