Happy Birthday "Heart" Litter!

The Bugs litter puppies were born June 9th, 2019. Four boys and two girls

Quill getting ready on Saturday night with some pre birth labor. But she kept us waiting all night
before she started to have contractions. Suzanne slept in the small outer quarters of the
whelping box the whole night while I looked on from the outside. Quill felt reassured to have us
close to her. Finally around 6 AM she started to have regular contractions and was ready to give birth.

Here is the first baby. Quill is so proud and happy to welcome him to the world.

Hard at work birthing the babies. The first four came rather quickly and easily. In about
an hour and a half there were four beautiful Standard Schnauzers in the whelping box.

SuzAnne weapped the puppies in a blanket to keep warm each time a new one was ready to be born.
Quill would check to be sure they were all there and being taken care of.

Quill took a short nap with the babies before the last one came.
It was more than a 3 hour wait between puppy 5 and puppy 6. He was a hard one to birth, in
fact he came breech and we had to help by gently pulling him by his toes.

Finally the work is done. Time to nap and be happy with her puppies. Quill and her 6 beautiful babies.