Three weeks and a visit from Linda
Nose kisses
The pups turned three weeks. They are really starting to get around and show personality. They are all beautiful. Ellie is being a very good mother, but it won't be long and the boys will be getting on solid foods. They are starting to climb and get over the 'pig rail' ,,, so we will have to add height to the divider. It is fun to watch them start to play with each other. Our friend Linda from down south ... ok ... Des Moines came up to meet the guys for the first time. I think she likes them!

Sleeping with mommy
Kisses for Marco
"Are you my brother?"
Neighbor kids visit the pups
Looking at new territory
Blue with blue dog
Linda with two
Now she has all three and gets a kiss!
What could be better then an arm load of puppies.
Playing with toys
Red bites the moon.