Let's go visit the Vet!


We have changed vets and this will be our first opportunity to work with the Advanced Pet Care Clinic.
Dr Tammy Stevenson is a well quialfied veterinarian and the facilities are state of the art.
The dogs all seem to love her and Cinder really took to her when she came in to have a X-ray taken.
We had a X-ray taken on the 27th of December to try and determine how many pups to expect.
View the X-ray here and let us know how many you see. The vet says nine!
Wow that shoud keep us busy. We will still be looking for some good homes for these guys.

Waiting for the vet to come see us.

Saying hi to Dr Stevenson.

The Doctor pointing out the puppies. Click on the X-ray above to see a larger
version so you can try and count them. Do you see more than nine!